Just the Robot and the Goods


Sprint Jump

Sprint Jump While GR-18 is sprinting, jumps gain one extra tile of height. This allows GR-18 to reach a total of 5 tiles high and 15 tiles across.

Wall Sprint (AKA Wall Wailing)

Wall Sprint While running against a wall, GR-18 does not lose sprint. This techinque can be used to maintain sprint while waiting for an obstacle to pass or a door to open.

Sprint Direction Change (AKA Aerial Disco)

Sprint Direction Change Normally when GR-18 changes lateral direction, sprint is lost. However, changing directions while in mid-air preserves the sprint. While sprinting, jump and move in the opposite direction of the current run direction to preserve sprint throughout the direction change.

Coyote Jump

When running off of a platform into open space, press jump before GR-18 moves more than 2 tiles away from the platform. GR-18 will jump off of the open space. This tech allows GR-18 to gain up to an extra 2 tiles in horizontal jump distance depending on when you press jump.

Retro Go-Go (AKA Impossible Sprint)

Retro Go-Go Land on the edge of a platform of at least 7 tiles length to gain sprint on the 7th tile. Normally GR-18 requires 8 tiles to gain sprint. This can be combined with a jump off and back onto the edge of the same platform to gain sprint while already on a 7 tile platform.

Tech Demo Level: s164p25 | “An Impossible Sprint Jump” by RetrophileTV @d29oze

Stutter Sprint

Stutter Sprint While sprinting, momentarily let go of the sprint direction, then repress the direction. GR-18 slows down but does not lose sprint. This can be repeated to significantly slow down GR-18’s speed while retaining sprint.

Tech Demo Level: n0g3qr6 | “Gently Dash Forward” by Flan @05jpvp


Long Package Throw

Stand right below the ceiling or inside a 1-tile gap within a wall and then throw the package. The package will traverse a longer distance than a normal throw. This also works with Throw Blocks.

Tech demo video : LevelHead - long Package Throw - Intuition

Package Bob (AKA Stiff Arm)

Package Bob Throw the package at an enemy to knock them back. This allows GR-18 to maneuver enemies into pits or out of narrow corridors. This also breaks enemy attack actions, like a Swoopadoop’s swoop or a Flipwip’s tongue-out.

Package Fishing

Package Fishing Throw the package at a jem to collect it. Combine this with various jumps to collect out of reach jems. From a standing position, jems up to 8 tiles high can be collected. Since the package can pass through objects that kill GR-18, jem fishing can also be used to grab jems behind hazards like Burny Whirlers. Similarly, the package can be used to grab jems that would be disabled by an eye switch. Since the package respawns, it can also be tossed at a jem and into the void to be picked up again at the spawn point.

This tech can also be used to flip lockswitches and flippy longswitches.

Package Jump

Package Jump Stand on the Package or a Throw Block and jump from it to reach 1 tile higher (5 total). The crate or package can also be picked up with a down grab immediately after jumping to bring it with GR-18.

Tech Demo Video: Levelhead - Glossary of Advanced Techniques - Flan

Tech Demo Level: 2pz4zwb | “Learn To Package Jump” by Alpaca Raider @d8q4p5

This tech is also introduced in the fourth campaign level (Thorn Cloud Delivery).

Package Jump Panic

Package Jump Panic While the package is on a Spikeatron, GR-18 can safely stand on the package. Starting from that state, perform a Package Jump then throw the package down at the end of the jump. GR-18 can navigate a floor of Spikeatrons by repeating this technique. This also works with a Throw Block.

Tech Demo Level: 2njlkjk | “Package Jump Panic” by BscotchSeth @bscotch101

Package Hop

See Item Hop

Package Pounce

Package Pounce Throw the package down on an enemy and then perform a mid-air package jump. This allows GR-18 to traverse rows of Cromblers or ‘bounce’ off a single Crombler. Package pouncing can also be done diagonally by throwing the Package down and to the left or right and moving in that direction, then jumping off the Package near the apex of its bounce.

Tech demo level: cmld827 | “Improbable Package Hop” by Steek Hutsy @4w6xwp

Tech demo video: Forward From - Trust Tower by Intuition?!

Super Jump

Super Jump Throw the Package upwards. While the package is in the air, press jump to leave the ground and press jump again just as GR-18’s feet pass the top of the Package. This allows GR-18 to reach a height of 8 tiles. Immediately after the jump off the Package, perform a down grab to take the package with GR-18. This can also be performed with a Throw Block. It is only possible to Super Jump off of the Package or a Throw Block if it is moving downwards.

This is the foundational tech that most other techs for gaining height build off of. If you only learn one advanced technique in this whole list it should probably be this one.

Tech Demo Video: Levelhead - Glossary of Advanced Techniques - Flan

Tech Demo Video : Super Jump - Sleepy

Up-Boosted Package Jump

Up-Boosted Package Jump Stand on the surface that the package rests on. Jump and then jump again just as GR-18’s feet pass the top of the package. GR-18 will make a package jump that gains an extra tile of height for 6 tiles total.

Panic-Boosted Package Jump This technique can be combined with a late down throw over any solid surface to perform a Panic Boosted Package Jump. While within half a tile of landing, throw the package down and then perform the above technique. This also provides a clearance of 6 tiles.

FallthroughUpboostedJump This technique can also be accomplished by falling through the package top and immediately double jumping, followed by a grab.

Both techniques also work with Throw Blocks.

Tech demo video: Boosted Package Jump - aradarbel10 Tech demo video: Panic Boosted Package Jump - aradarbel10

Super Slam Jump (AKA Fart Package Jump)

Package Jump Throw the package down and immediately jump. Jump again as GR-18 passes the plane of the top of the package. This will allow GR-18 to jump 7 tiles high.

Tech demo video: Fart Package Jump - gotia2003

Ceiling Slip (AKA Ceiling Sleep)

Ceiling Slip Jump into a 1 height gap that is at most 2 tiles wide and throw the package forward-down after the half-way mark. With spring this can be increased to a 3 tile wide section. GR-18 can traverse the gap without touching the floor of the gap. This is specifically useful traversing gaps with a spikeatron floor.

Tech demo level: mfj4ctj | “Ceiling Slip Tutorial” by SleepyDoof @zchv6z Tech demo video: Sleepy Slipping the Ceiling - SleepyDoof

Wall Jump

Wall Jump Jump near a wall, throw the Package against the wall while ascending, then jump again on the Package after it bounces off the wall. This allows GR-18 to clear 9 tiles of height. Do while sprinting for a Super Wall Jump. This can be chained infinitely.

Tech demo video: Super Wall Jump - Intuition Tech demo video: Levelhead - Glossary of Advanced Techniques - Flan

Ceiling Jump

Ceiling Jump As GR-18 approaches a ceiling from a jump, toss the package upwards, quickly turn back to line up with the rebounding package, then jump again on the package after the package bounces off the ceiling. This will allow GR-18 to end up on top of outcropped ceilings. This can be done infinitely with the right ceiling configurations.

Tech demo level: 8127mmq | “Ceiling Super Jump” by HighChair @nvb68d Tech demo video: Super Ceiling Jump - Intuition Tech demo video: Levelhead - Glossary of Advanced Techniques - Flan

Double Super Jump

Double Super Jump With the use of the Package and a Throw Block(or two Throw Blocks), GR-18 can Super Jump twice. Toss the first Throw Block upwards and immediately pick up the second Throw Block. Toss the second Throw Block just before super jumping off the first.

Tech demo video: Levelhead - Glossary of Advanced Techniques - Flan

ISJ2.0 (Infinite Super Jump 2)

ISJ2 The Double Super Jump technique can be chained by re-grabbing the jumped off packages. This allows for infinite vertical or diagonal distances.

Tech demo video: Levelhead - Glossary of Advanced Techniques - Flan

Super Leap

Super Leap After jumping off a surface with horizontal momentum (such as a horizontally moving flyblock), throw the package ahead. Once GR-18 catches up to the package and is ‘standing’ on it, press jump. Optionally, down grab to retain the package. Can be done infinitely.